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So far Guest has created 58 blog entries.

Good Citizens

By |2025-01-31T13:49:41-05:00January 23rd, 2025|

The Salvation Army is politically neutral but has long partnered with governments and civic authorities. In countless cultures and countries around the world, the Church has always had interactions with government. The early Church had a contentious relationship with authorities (particularly the Roman government), which resulted in the outright persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire until the Edict of Milan was issued in 313. During medieval times in Western Europe, the Church even took on governmental functions, crowning kings and queens to rule over the secular world according to Church dictates.

Are You Washed?

By |2025-02-07T11:08:06-05:00January 20th, 2025|

As I was enjoying scrubbing some pots lately, it made me think of the contrary ways in which we clean ourselves spiritually. If we give our lives to Jesus, we may focus more on cleaning our bodies externally than we do internally: We try to scrub off the worldly lifestyle that we’ve been living and alter our external habits so that people can notice changes in us.

I’ve heard it all before

By |2024-11-19T12:52:32-05:00November 6th, 2024|

In case you haven’t heard, Christmas is coming. We all love Christmas. The story is one we know so well, whether we hear about it sitting in the pew on a Sunday morning or listening to Linus in the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. Could it be possible to know it too well?

A Christmas Message

By |2024-11-18T12:05:27-05:00November 3rd, 2024|

For many years, the General of The Salvation Army has recorded a Christmas message. Thanks to the internet, nearly every Salvationist around the world can now hear those words of hope. Some of our great pioneers also shared their thoughts about Christmas, and we’re sharing them again here.

A Prayer for a Noisy World

By |2024-10-02T08:55:57-04:00October 2nd, 2024|

The world can be a noisy place. There’s always something going on, making the next sound, grabbing our attention. Street noise. Or the kids are talking, or the TV is on. How about those fancy rectangles in our pockets that help us make phone calls, surf the web, check social media, and play games? Noise happens all the time. Do you sleep at night with the TV on or music playing? We’ve gotten so used to the noise that we can’t even reach a restful state without it.

Gaining and Keeping Trust

By |2024-10-21T14:29:20-04:00October 2nd, 2024|

One of the main expectations any charitable organization must live up to is transparency—to be an “open book” to the public to ensure that it’s worthy of being trusted. When that organization is also a religious movement modeled after the gospel of Jesus Christ, gaining and keeping the public’s trust becomes even more important.

He Seeks Us

By |2024-12-05T08:53:11-05:00September 24th, 2024|

In the Gospel of Mark, the Lord encounters a man possessed by a legion of demons. The story left me with mixed emotions. This man’s inability to be free of such spirits filled me with sadness and regret.

What to Do with Feelings

By |2024-07-03T13:18:01-04:00July 3rd, 2024|

A familiar feeling comes over me as I remember the sounds of a tinkling piano, the sight of sneakers and a cozy cardigan, and the familiar warm face of a friend singing, “What do you do with the mad that you feel?” My friendly neighbor on the TV, Mister Rogers, talks about how toys don’t have feelings, but people do. 

Goodbye Chewie

By |2024-05-21T07:11:41-04:00May 21st, 2024|

At the beginning of 2023, my family had to say goodbye to our beloved dog, Chewie. We were filled with sadness and tears but also relief that she would be free of her painful illness. She had been suffering from oral cancer, and we knew the right thing to do was to end her suffering. But it was impossible to envision life without Chewie. She was more than just a dog—she was our four-legged family member.

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