by Hugo Bravo
Fahmy Mamuya, a cancer researcher, discovered a community of like-minded volunteers and neighbors in Manchester, Conn. “Volunteering builds relationships. Not only with fellow volunteers, but with the people we serve,” says Fahmy.
by Hugo Bravo
When Mary and her husband, Chris Howland, successful entrepreneurs, looked to financially support organizations that help others, they approached The Salvation Army first. Upon their retirement in 2018, the Howlands moved from Connecticut to Newport, R.I., and became directly involved as volunteers at The Salvation Army Newport Corps. Chris is also chairperson of The Salvation Army’s Rhode Island advisory board, and Mary is chair of the Newport Corps advisory council.
by Hugo Bravo
On Sunday mornings, as the corps officers work behind the scenes preparing for the service, the first Salvation Army representative to greet the congregation is often the welcome sergeant. It’s an appointment given to soldiers in corps both large and small. At The Salvation Army Kroc Center of Philadelphia, Alice Webb fills that role.
by Hugo Bravo
“We’ve thought about turning the Fabric Fair into a whole weekend event, or maybe charging a fee to have early access to our products,” says Deborah Kazar. “But that would require our volunteers to be here an extra day or two. These are women in their 70s and 80s, and they’re already working hard year-round to make that one day of the fair into a big success.”
by Hugo Bravo
If you’re fortunate enough to meet style icon and business owner Yolanda Cellucci, it’s likely that she will greet you while dressed in the finest white outfit you’ve ever seen. White is her uniform for any event she takes part in, whether it’s hosting a fashion show with players from the Boston Celtics as runway models, or giving out toys at The Salvation Army in her hometown of Waltham, Mass.
by Hugo Bravo
Paul Witkowski arrived at The Salvation Army Emergency Shelter in Elizabeth, N.J., after a two-week stay at a hospital for a heart condition. His marriage of 26 years had recently ended in divorce, leaving him depressed, without a home, and unsure of his future as he tried to recover.
by Hugo Bravo
Forks in the road of life can come in different ways. They can be choices, opportunities, or decisions. For Muhammad Oliver, basketball coordinator for The Salvation Army Newark Services in New Jersey, those forks appeared as people who were crucial in making him the person he is today. “Being able to provide help to those who need it is like having a superpower.”
by Hugo Bravo
Before there was a Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center in Camden, N.J., George Berry remembers there was a local center in downtown Camden where families could visit to receive food and engage in activities.
by Hugo Bravo
Every time David Cornish walks from his home to The Salvation Army church in Willimantic, Conn., he crosses a footbridge - a popular spot for hiking, but for David, it’s a reminder of the city’s poverty.
by Hugo Bravo
Flor Chamorro served her local community in Ecuador, the country of her birth, years before she ever stepped into a Salvation Army church.
by Hugo Bravo
When Ada Jarrett was a child, she was introduced to The Salvation Army by a friend whose family attended the Army’s church in Pottstown, Pa. They were involved in many aspects of the ministry, and Ada became involved too. "Over the years, some members of my family stopped coming, but I stayed. The Salvation Army became my church,” says Jarrett, now 84.